Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Hall of Fame (1): Sempé

16 white cassis, 11 pastis, 7 mints with water, 11 Claquesin, 3 cognacs, 1 Schweppes, 13 beers, 6 bocks, 23 Martini, 9 vermouths, 5 armagnacs, 1 Suze, 1 pressed lime, 2 orangina, 7 Dubonnet and one bottled water with lime...
(Signs read "All for Unity")

Maybe things will be clearer when we come back: Florence, the kids, the house, it's all routine. Whereas with Annie, of course, it's the great unknown...

_ I'll be brief...
'It would have been wonderful if you were a poor and sick artist when I met you. I would have taken care of you. I would have helped you all that I possibly could. We would have had discouraging times but we would have had wonderful ones, too. To the best of my powers, I would have protected you from the daily problems of life so that you could devote yourself completely to your art. And little by little you'd have become known. You would have become a great artist, admired, respected, adored; and one day you would have left me for a younger and prettier woman. It's for that I'll never forgive you.'

If you visit Paris, I recommend a stop at Galerie Martine Gossieaux, 56 rue de l'Université.

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