Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Mike du Jour" debuts in syndication

Fron The Daily Cartoonist blog.

Mike Du Jour

Mike Lester’s Mike Du Jour debuts today.The strip is drawn in the classic loose Lester style – which is perfect for his type of humor. In the interview below, Mike describes it as a strip that Larry David would write and I couldn’t agree more.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Curtains for "Cul de Sac"

Richard Thompson's "Cul de Sac" comic strip was published for the last time this Sunday.

You can read all about Richard in the following posts.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Is Fair Use a Fair Legal Concept?

Steven Heller in Print.

The e-mail newsletter Ethics in Graphic Design (which can be followed on Twitter here), smartly produced by Eileen MacAvery, routinely touches on issues close to my heart. 

The most recent e-blast leads with the question: "Was Shepard Fairey's use fair?" 

It's a reference, of course, to Fairey being sentenced to two years probation and a $25,000 fine for tampering with evidence in his copyright battle with the Associated Press.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Charlie Hebdo" publishes Muhammad cartoons

From The New York Times.

The Untouchables 2: Don't mock!

PARIS — A French satirical magazine on Wednesday published a series of cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad, setting off a new wave of outrage among Muslims and condemnation from French leaders amid widening unrest over an amateur video that has provoked violence throughout the Islamic world.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Kal interviewed on "Political Punch"

Kevin "Kal" Kallaugher talks to ABC's Jake Tapper.

Political Punch
The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists' convention just wrapped up here in Washington, D.C., and ABC's Jake Tapper -- a self-described "failed cartoonist" -- had the honor and privilege of being a keynote speaker. The convention, hosted by George Washington University, brought together influential political cartoonists from around the world, including veteran Kevin "KAL" Kallaugher, who cartoons for The Baltimore Sun and for The Economist.

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Russia Rising" Poster Exhibition at the SVA

From Steven Heller in Print.

Dimon Zahkarov

The School of Visual Arts presents Russia Rising: Votes for Freedom / 30 Artists and Designers Challenge the 2011 and 2012 Russian Elections, an exhibition responding to recent political turmoil in Russia through the language of the poster. The original posters were created in support of the popular Russian movement for democracy that emerged at the third-term election of President Vladimir Putin. The exhibit is co-curated by Misha Beletsky, art director for Abbeville Press, and Steven Heller.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cartoon of the week (16)

Viewed 60 times on Twitpic.

The federal government’s plan to destroy all data from its long-gun registry is unconstitutional, a judge has ruled, giving Ottawa 30 days to hand to Quebec records collected from the province’s gun owners.

Friday, September 14, 2012

#!&%!! Cartoons — a Festival Celebrating the Political Cartoon

The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists will hold “#!&%!! Cartoons — a Festival Celebrating the Political Cartoon,” today and tomorrow at George Washington University, as well as companion presentations at the Library of Congress and the Newseum.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


From Bob Mankoff's blog The Cartoon Bureau.

The New Yorker has a Facebook page, which a lot of you like, or maybe it’s just one person with a lot of time on their hands, liking the page over and over again. But in any case, it’s a whole lotta like. We like that.

What we don’t like is that we got temporarily banned from Facebook for violating their community standards on “Nudity and Sex,” by posting the above Mick Stevens cartoon.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Globe and Mail cancels "Back Bench"

Not only did the Globe and Mail cancel "Fisher" but i learned today that they also eliminated Vancouver cartoonist Graham Harrop's "Back Bench" gag panel.

"BackBench" has appeared daily for almost 20 years in The Globe and Mail, both as a comic strip and as a panel cartoon. With his witty, irreverent humour, Harrop has satirized most of Canada's major political figures. He has commented on government scandals, the cozy connection of politicians and pop idols, and the continuing battles between the feds and the provinces. He is noted for his humorous take on Leonard Cohen in his much publicized retreat to a California monastery as well as Margaret Atwood and her "remote pen" for signing books. Above all, however, Harrop focuses on everyday happenings: the struggle between doctors and their patients, the fashion industry, computer technicians, fast food outlets, Revenue Canada's voracious appetite and, more recently, the 2010 winter Olympics.

India cartoonist Aseem Trivedi's arrest sparks outrage

From BBC News.

Protesters outside court chanted: "He is not Aseem but he is a storm, he is the nation's another Gandhi"

Monday, September 10, 2012

Steve Brodner's Complete 2012 Conventions Live Blog

Here, in its entirety, is Steve Brodner's 2012 RNC, DNC convention live blog work for Grand total: 152 illustrations.
The pieces are in reverse order as they appear on the original site:

These are all made using 2B, 4B pencil in 8 1/2 X 11 75lb bright white paper in Allied Artists sketchbooks augmented in Photoshop, in the spirit of enthusiastic political engagement, participation, voting, and . . . democracy.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Globe and Mail cancels "Fisher"

Fisher creator Philip Street was recently told that the Globe and Mail was combining its' arts and life sections and reducing the comics page after the today's edition, dropping Fisher in the process.

Here is a June 6 entry (on the 20th anniversary of the strip) from Philip Street's blog, Idiot Mittens.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Cutting Humor of Art Director Michael Gross

Michael Dooley in the Imprint blog.

Designer kids these days. They'll never experience the toxic aroma of rubber-cement fumes. Or feel the intense drama of an X-Acto knife slicing into their thumb or plunging head-first into their knee. But Michael Gross remembers. In fact, Gross and his National Lampoon co-conspirators immortalized such experiences in a parody of the graphic design industry that was published in Print magazine.