Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Rainer Hachfeld 1939-2024

German political cartoonist and playwright Rainer Hachfeld died of a stroke in Berlin on May 27.

Born on March 9, 1939 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Hachfeld studied animation and stage design from 1956 to 1960 at the Master School for Arts and Crafts in Berlin

In 1959 he completed a stage design assistantship at the Kom(m)ödchen in Düsseldorf. 

After a stay in Paris, he worked from 1961 to 1963 as a stage designer for the political cabarets Die Dienstten and at the Reichskabarett in Berlin.

He then worked for Ufa-Werbefilm in Düsseldorf, initially as a film illustrator, later as a playright and screenwriter, until he returned to Berlin in 1966 as a caricaturist for the Spandauer Volksblatt

From 1968 to 1982 Hachfeld was a freelancer for the Berliner Extra-Dienst

In addition, he worked as an editor for humor and satire at Stern in 1977 and as a cartoonist at the Berlin tabloid Der Abend in 1981. 

The socialist newspaper Neues Deutschland was also one of his clients until 2019 but has not printed any current political cartoons since his departure. 

He received several awards, including the German Prize for Political Cartoons in 2002. 

His work can be found at Cartoon Movement and on Cagle.

Hachfeld also worked on numerous productions at the Grips Theater. 

He wrote the youth play "Eins auf die Fresse", which was in the program for over 20 years. 

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