Malaysian political cartoonist Zunar has been charged with nine counts of sedition in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. If convicted on all charges he faces more than 40 years in prison.
Cartoonists Rights Network International recognizes Zunar as one of the most creative, hard-hitting, and courageous cartoonists working in the world today. For nearly 10 years the government of Malaysia has been trying to force Zunar to stop criticizing them. They have abjectly failed and now descend into using this out of date, unjust and inappropriate charge of sedition against him.
Cartoonists Rights Network International hereby declares a global CALL TO ACTION: cartoonists everywhere are challenged to use the strongest tool they have available to them: their professional work in advocating for Zunar.
We ask cartoonist to investigate Zunar's situation and draw cartoons that reflect on their own feelings about the threats to free speech that are abroad in our world today. Send these cartoons on to your Facebook pages, your blogs your websites, and if you work for a newspaper ask your editors to please print them.
Another powerful outlet we have to help Zunar, is to send the same cartoons to the Malaysian ambassador in your country. Let the country's diplomats understand exactly what they are up against.
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