Saturday, March 12, 2016

Cartoon Xira 2016

This Saturday sees the opening of the exhibition “Cartoon Xira 2016" showing the best 2015 cartoons of Portuguese cartoonists António, Bandeira, Brito, Carrilho, Cid, Cristina, Gargalo, Gonçalves, Maia, MonteiroRodrigo and a 25 year retrospective of the work of Belgium cartoonist Cécile Bertrand.
The exhibition will run until May 8th.

Celeiro da Patriarcal
Rua Luís de Camões, n.º 130
Vila Franca de Xira
Tel. 263 271 155

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Ironically, he criticizes in his drawings ;)

    Jane of Impression Emedia
